Sunday, November 29, 2009

Notes from the last week


发拳应该有个“从上打下”的感觉, 无论你要打高低。师傅说我们的身法就是要那种感觉而象这样我们每个拳是KO。


还有师傅让我和凯西练两拳两步。 xD

而且练套路的时候需要一个格斗的感觉喊在内心里。 他说套路没有这种感觉, 练出来的拳是空的。

The last week we learned a bit.

Master said that when punching, the feeling should be like hitting from "up to down" He said it should feel like you're punching a midget regardless of whether you are punching up, down or straight. Our shenfa (body mechanics) gives us that ability, thus every punch should have KO power.

Secondly, when punching, master started having us bob-n-weave, similar to a boxer, but with our shenfa. It creates a basic understanding of how our shenfa is used, and how and where our punches can come from.

Finally, master let me and Casey start doing the two punches two steps drill.

As for Six Harmonies Fist,
The main point master drilled this week was shenfa and combat. He said that I need to work on my shenfa for each move. Additionally, he said that we must harbor intent of fighting for each move. He said that if you treat the form without intent, what you learn is empty.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

First day of sparring and intention

他说套路就要保持技击的意识。 如果保持意识,动作会清楚了而会使用。

Tonight Master let us practice fighting techniques against opponents.
Me and my KF sister punched at my KF brother while he blocked.
Master said that while blocking, you must have the intent of attacking.
And while attacking, you must learn to have the intent of blocking.

Afterwards, Master told us to do forms. With the blood still running through us, we did the forms better than before because we held that feeling of fighting. Master said that it is important to practice forms with that intention. When you have that in mind, the moves and how to correct the moves becomes clear. Without this intention, the form becomes empty and pointless.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


改了很多东西, 特别是我发拳。 过了昨天我发拳比较自然而比较实用。
而师傅说我肩膀要摇大一点, 还是不够。
最后他说出拳有三个条件:稳 准 狠

Last night I practiced at Shifu's house by myself.
I made alot of head way with my punching. It's more natural now.
I need to make sure my shoulders make a bigger motion though.
And something he told me stuck in my head
He said that for making this practical there are three things: stable, accurate, and vicious.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009



师傅说我摇得不对。 应该是“肩膀带身,不是身带肩膀”
而他说我最大的问题是我摇得太小。 一定要大一点。

练了两个月, 第三月才有进步。 真对不起师傅


It rained last night
Shifu said I've been doing it wrong. It should be "the shoulders lead the body, not the body leads the shoulders"
Also, he said that my movements are too small. I need to move/twist more.

After 2 months of training I make a little head way on this. I changed my punches last night and they are a little more "tou". A little longer. etc.

I feel regretful that I must put Shifu through two months of me now getting it.

Finally, Shifu showed me the thief step or the worm step. The movements should be like a caterpillar.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

自然门 (Ziranmen)

What is Ziranmen?
It is a style of Chinese Martial Arts that I practice. That's been going on for about 7 months now (ROFL). I wish it was longer but yeah.

Before I met anybody that practiced this style, my friend, Jason, talked about it. He himself loves Southern martial arts and practices Hop Gar (Knight's Fist). I'll write more about his hero complex someday. It's pretty amusing to see a modern day hero actually. Some comic books are quite accurate. I digress. Anways, Jason talked about how Ziranmen was a style that was a rare and secretive style. (I find this to be quite false). He talked about how the fighting style was very unique in that it was a cross between boxing and long fist. And most importantly, it was known as a style that could fight.

In my last year of college, I happened to meet my first teacher and friend, Rudy Ibarra. He and a small group of people happened to be practicing on the right side of the Main Mall. For what reason I don't know, but I went up and talked to them. I watched them the first time and chatted for awhile. I was always interested in meeting people of different styles and chatting for a bit. Anyways, Rudy invited me to come train with them and see how it goes.

The first month, all that we trained were kicks, and a few sets of moves. Simple stuff. It was all just hard labor. For two long hours, it was always the same thing over and over again. At that time, I figured that the exercise would be good for me anyways, but I never really saw what my friend Jason told me about. The material at the first month was the same as every other martial arts out there.

After the first month is when things became interesting. Rudy finally showed me the stance that Ziranmen is known for. It's called the SiLiuBu. It's very different from what I'd seen before and when Rudy showed me, I really went blank with a "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" (That phrase has been repeated a couple of times in the last 7 months for the exact same reason) Before this, I'd seen other martial arts teachers move and I'd see them do just about the same stuff. I don't think anything could have prepared me for what I saw Rudy do. I'd never seen a person move like that before. It was like watching a person imitate a ghost float back and forth. Another analogy would be like watching a person imitate a snake, praying mantis and monkey at the same time. From that point on, I was fully convinced and intend to stick with it.

Fast forward, 7 months later, I'm in FuZhou and learning under Rudy's master. ShiFu just got back from a month trip in the US a couple night ago.

While correcting our SiLiuBu, he put my hands in a line. And told me that I need to be more full, less empty in the stance. There's supposed some resistance the second a person comes forward, but no forward force. Kind of like a lightsaber. (Yes, don't say it).

Last night was another (WTH was that!?!) moment when I saw Shifu move. He seems to be able to defy the laws of physics in his movements. His body doesn't seem like there's a spine or something. I'm really at a loss for understanding of his movement.

Anyways, what's really cool is that I saw ShiFu move. He matched my stance and then proceed to make his body dance while not moving his arms, kinda like how pop-lock dancers do certain moves. Darryl suggested that ShiFu started pop-locking. ROFL! The usage of this movement I don't understand too well, but it has something to do with a ghost head attitude.

ShiFu also showed some of his ShenFa and moved up and down in the SiLiuBu. I've never seen anybody move down and back up so fast, and was so connected doing so.

Badass Kungfu Brother

My KungFu brother is a badass. He's been training for a little longer than me, but his entire time has been with master.

Last week he got into some trouble. While running some errands, two gangsters and him got into a bike wreck. From what my KungFu brother told me, the two started mouthing off and then one of them tried to punch him. My KF brother shrunk backwards and came back with a meteor fist. Completely knocked the first guy out with one hit. The second guy, my KF brother left his foot imprint in the person's stomach and another two fist prints in the guy's face.

Anyways, this is my blog about ZiRanMen. Nothing I write will make sense unless you practice ZiRanMen and frankly, I doubt I'm right or coherent about many things anyways.

Welcome Anyways.