Wednesday, December 30, 2009



师傅说我们要坚持的练。 在这酸痛情况我们才可以进步。如果我们没有酸痛我们就要加量。
(2)第四:防手是偕的。 身体要直的,所以我要转多点。

Tonight, it was me and Will.

We started with punching
Then we did frontal side kicks with two punches.
Afterwards, we did 50 punch counts, each side.
Then 30 frontal side kicks 30 count each side.
Then frog leaps
And then Repeat the 50 and 30 count.
Master said that we need to be tired and sore each day, only in this circumstance, can we improve ourselves.

After that we did Ying Yong Quan
(1). I have to notice that the move after the Pu Bu, is a direct pull, and not like Tai Chi and circular.

More frog leaps

Ba Bu Gou
(1) Master said that we have to be accurate, stable, and deadly

Liu He Quan
(1) My Gong bu is still unstable, needs to be more firm
(2) When doing the fourth movement, the blocking hand is higher and slightly to the left of my head.

Monday, December 28, 2009

12-26-09 to 12-28-09


Tonight, I met Yen Le for the first time. If you guys don't know who Yen Le is, he studied with Master for a good 5-7 years. Rudy said that Yen Le's fighting was good. To get an idea, he used to do 500 punch counts a day. That would be 1500 punches each day! That was before he got married, had a kid, and started his own company. He's doing good now. I'm happy I got to meet him, but it's a pity I didn't get to see him move since he's supposed to be nearly like Master.

After Yen Le left, Master had me do the frontal side kick the entire two hours. Two days later, I can safely say that my legs are sore. But on the plus side, my kick has improved. Not by much, but they're getting somewhere finally.

Rained. It's been raining a lot lately. Sucks.


Today. We focused on YuDiCheLunFa. He is mostly getting the new student up to gear. The new student keeps stopping when he feels his legs are sore. It's a good lens to see how far I've come. In all seriousness, he needs to quit stopping each time his legs are sore.

Anyways, master says that I need to keep my back hand up when defending. I sometimes let it slip down.

Next, we did Ying Yong Quan. Master said that I need to watch on the turn, that I don't have any extra movements. I have this habit of reverse torquing my arm to get ready for the next move. I need to watch it. My center of balance is off because of the change, and I need to focus on that too.

Finally, we did Ba Bu Gou. Master did the entire form with Will. There's too many details for me to cover here, but some major things I noticed was that when on the attacking side, Master's upper body would almost be completely sideways when doing the first move. He's really leaning into the attack. Next thing I noticed is when doing the phoenix eye, his body is completely sideways also. It kinda reminded me of a door, the way he moved on that section actually. It kind just swung out at Will.
Next, the contrast between high and low need to be more exaggerated. Master would go very low and very high when doing the form, depending on the target he was attacking. Finally, Master emphasized that the kick is stationary, and that there is a tun-tu after it for the backhand face palm strike.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


對不起, 我最近非常忙。

今晚我們回到了禦敵車輪法。這次講究的是《控制》。那麽師傅所說的《控制是》三個字 《眼,手,身》。 而我們《控制》不只是自己而也包挂《對方,距離,步法,高低,等等》。 這就是雙方有的目的,所以另個方面我們也追求我們所有的方式是有兩個條件。 第一:我們從最安全的形態攻擊。 第二:我們用最可能破壞對方的防手打人。 像下棋一樣。   


Apologizes, I've been busy recently.

Tonight, Master had us return to the marching defense method (YuDiCheLunFa). This time around, Master wanted us to focus on "control" He said that for control we have three things of importance "Eyes, Hands, Body". Additionally, Master said that it is not only control of ourselves we seek, but we must seek to control "our opponent, the distance, stepping (Bu Fa), the height of our stances, and more" You basically have to be aware of everything, making sure to make it advantageous for you to move in every possible way. Additionally, Master said that it is both parties must search for control. For this, there are two major things that one must pay attention to. First, we seek to attack from the most advantageous positions. Secondly, we seek to attack with the most chance of breaking past an opponents guard. Therefore, we seek to maximize our attacks and minimize our weakness. I offered the example of chess, and Master said "right".

As for personal stuff.
Ying Yong Quan needs to be more explosive on the first move. It's supposed to be a surprise that it comes from the center.

Secondly, on my Liu He Quan, the ax moves at the end need to be larger. My movements are too small.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Few Days

It's been kinda slow on training right now. Master has us just training hard. Not much talking has occurred recently. It's the same comments for the past two weeks. So I guess we haven't progressed much, and we're waiting for it.

The last two days, Master said that my punch is good now. I know how it's supposed to feel now when doing two punches, it's like a tiger's pounce. The spine moves like a dragon. And then the way the entire body switches from one side to the other with each paw, that's exactly how it feels to me when punching.

As for the backhand doing the covering during the punching, I finally understand what Master said (He said to not do it on purpose, and that it'll happen naturally). I really didn't do anything to make it go there, but naturally by the way the body moves, the hand fits perfectly there. That's pretty awesome!

Now that I think of it, it just goes to show much thought and analysis our fore-bearers put into this system.

Friday, December 11, 2009

More Stuff on Punching


Two nights ago, Darryl and I asked Master about punching at slightly different angles. Master responded that we can and should change angles, but it doesn't matter if you can't get the shenfa right. If you can't do the regular punch, it's pointless to ask about advance punching.


Also, this next part is nothing I asked, but just thought about. In our system we have a special type of walking method. I'm starting to think it's akin to fighter jets. To explain, fighter jets are made to be aerodynamically unstable. That means they have the tendency to roll and sway without computer assistance. This instability in the air gives them higher turning rates, and the ability to be more agile in the air. I think that our system has the same type of concept, but with stepping. We're never really planted/balanced like other martial arts (i.e. Hung Gar or SPM or Tai Chi), but we're like fighter jets instead.

Simplification: Zi Ran Men = Fighter Jets // Hung Gar (or the likes) = Tanks.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


第一:我们直接踢在两拳。 平常这是我们最好的方式因为一踢就接两拳=KO。
第二:我们踢再吞身停一下再发拳。 这是让我们练两个项目。

Master had us practice our ce-ti tui and two punches. He said that we should practice doing this two methods.

First: Kick and immediately step in a punch. Usually, this is our best option, as it
gives us a good chance to knockout somebody.
Secondly: After the kick, we stop, and then wait, and then fire to punches. There's
two reasons for this.
a: This allows us to make our punches powerful by allowing us to swallow.
b: Just in case, the opponent has a trap waiting for you, if you can't
stop, then your are sending yourself to your own death.

Also as a side note, we practiced the stomp kick with two punches. Casey flies far and hits hard on the last hit. Master had her do it on Will today, and the first time, she knocked him on his skull.

Master says, "Casey will totally kick Josh's ass when she gets back to Austin." xD

Sunday, December 6, 2009


師傅說拍屁股的時候要大攻擊, 而先要攻擊時刻的好防手才能有大攻擊。
而這個遊戲不能忘記要真正的攻擊感。 不能只拍屁股而是要攻擊之中才行。

Tonight, I didn't practice too much since I'm sick with swine flu (I think)
Tonight, I watched everybody else practice "pai pi gu". Master said that while playing this game, you have to have big attacks. (I'm not sure what Master meant by this). To achieve big attacks, when attacking, you have to a solid defense.

Additionally, Master said that while playing this game, you have to have the intention to punch and hit the person. You can't change the game to ONLY hit the butt. It loses the intention to teach whole body defense and stepping if you do that.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

English version of Dec 2 notes

This is a translation for the first note of December 2009. Original: December 2nd, 2009.

Tonight, Casey and I went to Master house.
Master hasn't really corrected any of my genji gong stuff for two weeks.
At his house, we fired off some punches and master gave some advice

First: My legs need to be more stable. He said "unstable legs lead to crappy punches." Additionally, he said that I need to sink from my dantian, and not my chest.

Second: My punching isn't natural enough. I need to relax my arms and if I do, I can punch with more power. E= MC^2. I'll have the same mass regardless if I'm relaxed or not, but my speed increases if I relax, thus more power.

Third: To achieve natural punching, I need to keep my body swallowed/kept closed"

Later we practiced Ying Yong Quan:
Master said that I have improved my intent, but I need to keep it within a frame. He said that with good intent, one has focus, but without a proper frame, everything falls apart.

Ba Bu Gou:
Master said that this form is about practicing together, and making everything work well together. Master added while that is true, you don't pull punches, you still have to punch for real, just be sure to stop short of the person's body. The fighting intention must be present also. Without it, it looks fake.

Lastly, Master said that while this form is about two people working together, we must watch our own stepping. Without a good base, we can't block people's punches. (This goes back to talking about holding your frame correctly). He said that the first step to working together is the ability to control ourselves. Without the ability to move correctly from position to position, then it becomes hard/impossible to work well with a partner.

Punching and Blocking Notes for Tonight

今晚师傅问我发拳有什么感觉。 我回了我腰比较会动。 他笑笑了回答说“其他人都使用手打拳所以他们的拳力是从肩膀来的。而我们不一样,我们用肩膀所以力是从下面来的。”

后来will和我问师傅怎么挡hook。 他说“我们因该也是不用改我们的防手, 只该激进出一点”。 跟重要是从我们的ready position,我们开始摇肩,我们会变成一个三角形所以什么都可以防。

Tonight Master asked me what I thought is different with the way I'm punching. I responded that my lower back/waist is moving more. Master laughed and said "Other people who punch with their arms, eventually power their punches with only their shoulders. On the other hand, when we focus on the shoulder, we eventually have power from waist and lower."

Afterwards, Will and I asked Master how to block a hook punch. He said that we shouldn't have to do much to block it. The only difference is that you might need to squeeze in a little bit. (He wasn't specific about how to squeeze, but he didn't move his feet, but perhaps you can too. I don't know)

The most important thing he said tonight was right after that. He said that from our ready position in 40-60 stance, when we start using our shenfa (body method), our arms actually are more like the sides of triangles, protecting our head.

So our fighting position, we're more like two triangles stacked together. Conceptually, master explained awhile ago that our legs to our dantian forms a triangle also.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Tonight's training

而且它是用來拉近距離。 上身不能動。 速度要快才行。

Tonight, master had us practice our frontal sidekick.
He said that when we move, we should be like a captipillar moving. (the scrunching movement before the next movement).
Also, master said that this movement is used to close the gap between you and your opponent without them realizing it. Therefore, you have to keep control of your upper body and make it appear that you haven't moved. Finally, master said that speed is key to the success of this movement.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tonight's practice

第一:我腳要固定好, 不能胡亂。 而我要從丹田含。

我架勢要真確, 而如果我架勢不對我就會慌亂雖然我有技擊的意識。

師傅說我們練要有配合,而如果不配合就不行。雖然要配合我們出拳也要真打, 不能沒有技擊的意識。

而他說我們步法不夠真確所以我們動作會荒而防不住對方的拳。師傅說我們要先學怎麽完整每個動作才能控制自己。 控制自己,動作就可以使用。


師傅今天說很多但我忘記一大堆~ 不好意識。