Friday, December 11, 2009

More Stuff on Punching


Two nights ago, Darryl and I asked Master about punching at slightly different angles. Master responded that we can and should change angles, but it doesn't matter if you can't get the shenfa right. If you can't do the regular punch, it's pointless to ask about advance punching.


Also, this next part is nothing I asked, but just thought about. In our system we have a special type of walking method. I'm starting to think it's akin to fighter jets. To explain, fighter jets are made to be aerodynamically unstable. That means they have the tendency to roll and sway without computer assistance. This instability in the air gives them higher turning rates, and the ability to be more agile in the air. I think that our system has the same type of concept, but with stepping. We're never really planted/balanced like other martial arts (i.e. Hung Gar or SPM or Tai Chi), but we're like fighter jets instead.

Simplification: Zi Ran Men = Fighter Jets // Hung Gar (or the likes) = Tanks.

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