Thursday, April 8, 2010


昨晚師傅說大龍和我的搖肩晃膀弧度不夠活而非自然。我們練三步兩拳的時候,師傅說要身法爲主,步法配合身法,步法活身體就也活, 而如果沒有身法什麽都沒有。 他也說自然門的優點就是我們的身法。 步法上,師傅說我們走的因該有抓地的感覺,而每一步都有佔的感覺。


我發拳和大龍防手的時候,師傅說大龍的身法不夠大而也不自然, 所有的移動都從身法來的, 所以說師傅一直強調身法。

後來我們練了八步勾。 師傅強調身法所以我們練得比較慢但動作是完完的。師傅說身法也是練彈力, 就是説動作要完成但身法使用的是力量和彈力(變化的速度)。

Darryl is back!
Last night, Master kept telling Darryl and I that we need to make our shoulder movements larger and more natural. When practicing the three step/two punch drill, Master said that we should pay attention to our shenfa. In addition, he said that our stepping should match/accompany our shenfa. Once the stepping becomes alive, the body will become alive. But, if there is no shenfa, then there's nothing. Master said that Ziranmen's advantage is its shenfa. Everything comes from our shenfa.On stepping, Master said that each step should be like we're grasping the ground with our feet and we should have a sticky feeling with the ground.

On punching, Master said my punches are too narrow, they need to come out at more of an angle.

When Darryl was blocking my punches, Master said that Darryl needs to be more natural with his shenfa while I need to just have more.

Later, Darryl and I did the 8 step hooks form. Master said that when doing it, we should focus on our shenfa. Master that we must pay attention to our shenfa for it to appear and become natural. We practicing slower and made each movement complete and full. Additionally, Master said that shenfa also embodies an ability to bounce from one movement to another. He said it had a bouncing energy to it. I understand it as meaning that the gap between each movement is quicker while retaining the power of each move. Therefore, shenfa is used for accessing power and speed.

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